How our consultancy became a global Changemaker

Baxendale honoured as a Changemaker organisation and Best for the World for Workers

As a small consultancy dedicated to achieving positive impact for our clients, we are incredibly proud to be recognised as a Changemaker and, for the third year, as a leading organisation for workers. These accolades have come from B Labs, the body that rigorously certifies and manages the 3,000 strong B Corp community of organisations who believe in using business as a force for good. Spanning over 150 industries and 64 countries worldwide, some of the more well known B Corps include PatagoniaBen & Jerry’s and Innocent drinks. Even Jamie Oliver is looking into certifying!

Whilst we hope we will be a Changemaker for years to come, a bigger ambition is to encourage others who are motivated to create positive impact for their employees, communities, and the environment to do just that. We know how hard it can be to begin. So we have set out the qualities we believe helped us make the 2019 list.

Remembering our united values

We feel lucky that our team shares similar values and a desire to make a positive impact. In reality, we search for it every time someone new joins the business. To make sure we don’t forget this glue, we designed our performance management system to link all feedback to our core values.
We are also reminded every day as we support our clients to increase the impact they deliver. It might be by introducing employee ownership and greater staff voice into existing businesses or creating efficient ways for our clients to serve their communities.

Seize on decisions

As a business and as individuals, we are constantly making decisions: who to work with, which suppliers to use, how we travel. Each one is an opportunity for us to improve the impact we have.
Take last year: before moving to new office space we questioned all prospective landlords on their environmental credentials and planned improvements. It meant we could make a fully informed decision before signing on the dotted line.

Be gentle

Will we as a team be able to single-handedly solve all of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals?  Probably not. But that doesn’t stop us from chipping away where we can. We hold ourselves to account if we feel we could do better. And we understand that we often have to make compromises when making decisions, and it is frustrating when it happens. By being kind to ourselves as we navigate how best to deliver change, we give ourselves the permission to keep going and keep improving.

If you believe your organisation could be a future Changemaker, why not take the free Impact Assessment today?

Louise Fisher

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